Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Elizabeth's Favorite Things- Summer Edition

I have decided to get inspired by Oprah and post my favorite things of summer. (The only difference is that I will not be giving all of them away by the bagillion....so jealous of that audience.)

Favorite Thing # 1 (In no particular order)....Sun Dresses

I am completely in love with everything J.Crew...especially in the summer. They have the best dresses that are fun, classy, and comfortable! My favorite this year is the Deco Dot Zoey Dress. At first, I ordered it in orange for a Clemson game...before I knew it, I had ordered it in hot pink too!

  • Favorite Thing # 2 Legally Blonde: The Search for Elle Woods
This has been my new favorite show this summer and pretty much the only way I am getting through the "no good summer tv show doldrums" that I feel like I am stuck in. With the exception of The Bachelorette and So You Think You Can Dance I am living for Monday nights at 10:00 on MTV! Legally Blonde on Broadway is looking for a new Elle Woods and the show is fascinating to me. I am a longtime dancer who looooooves Broadway shows and catty girl dramas. Perfect Combination! I am rooting for Bailey. She's from Anderson, SC and goes to Coastal Carolina and she's so stinking cute. She has trouble with her accent but she's definitely a front runner. Unfortunately, I think Natalie is going to win and she's not even a BLONDE. Seriously, if you are going to be in a show called LEGALLY BLONDE, don't you think you would at least dye your hair before the auditions??!!! (Update: In the next episode....the judges make her dye it...finally) If you haven't watched this show you can watch all the episodes on MTV.com.

Bailey's the one on the far right with the one shoulder pink dress. (My fave)

  • Favorite Thing # 3 Sweet Tea Vodka

Looking for a new summer drink? Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonde. It's so refreshing and absolutely delicious. It's made at a distillery on Wadamalaw Island right here in SC... YUUUMY (that's about all I can say about that).

I'm not sure what that Muscadine stuff is but maybe I should give it a whirl...

  • Favorite Thing # 4 Sandals
I absolutely hate for my toes to be crammed into a closed-toe shoe. Therefore, I try not to subject my little piggies to cramming until the VERY last minute of late fall. All summer, I have been alternating between my three favorite pairs of sandals:

Jack Rogers...
Tory Burch...
And of course...Rainbows (and we all know what those fabulous things look like).

  • Favorite Thing # 5 My New House
This doesn't really fit the list but I couldn't love my house any more. I love shopping for it, decorating it, and even cleaning it! The previous owner (and one of my favorite blog reads) just uploaded pictures of her new house on her blog and has inspired me to do the same. Coming soon!


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Happy to come across your blog. We have a summer house off the beaten path right outside of Beaufort and our daughter is headed up to Clemson in August...Class of 2012. She's already a "tiger" through and through.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Tried the sweet tea vodka...good call...it is yummy. FYI, we got a bottle of the muscadine at the same time. OK but not as good.

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