Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is for you Hunter...

Awful I know...I should be punted from the blogging world.  It has been forever!

My sister-in-law Hunter is pregnant with twins (they will be here soon!) and she is on bed rest.  All she can pretty much do is lay on the couch or lay on the couch.  I think she is quite bored and admits that she checks my blog for updates and can quote the day, time, and title of my last post.  SO for her reading pleasure and to waste 10 minutes of her long day stuck on the couch here is  a small update!

1. January and February are just plain boring.  It's cold ( I hate cold), and all my favorite holidays plus football season is a year away. Thank goodness the twins are getting here soon...I am counting down the days!

2. One of the only things that have made these months tolerable is tv:
The Bachelor: One of the best seasons yet...I have 3 favorites Hot Dog Jillian, Dallas Cow Boy Cheerleader Melissa, and Make-out Molly.  If you watch it or you just need a good laugh that will make you cry and your stomach hurt go to 
Kudos to my friend Emily who discovered this rock.  I am also in a little competition with girls I grew up with and I am currently tied for second place because I accurately picked 3 out of the 6 girls that have been kicked off.  Hmmm... I need to step up my game.

Gray's and Private Practice: Graham is actually watching these as I type and I'm not happy with him about this since I asked him to wait...BUT that's why we have DVR.  I have and always will love both of these fabulous shows....BUT if Denny doesn't remove himself soon I am going to scream!

American Idol: Can't stand the auditions, they make me hide behind couch pillows.  Will be glued to the set when they finally put together the group that can actually sing.

3. Clemson Basketball: Well, we won 16 straight and then lost 2 games to top 10 Wake Forest and UNC...I'm over it...we will bounce back ( no pun intended).  

So t.v. is all I really have to report on...I'll do better after the doldrums of January and February...and then I get to love on my new niece and nephew!