Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blog Block

I have writer's block.

I keep asking Graham to blog to kick it up a notch and make it interesting, but he absolutely REFUSES. So, I have resorted to asking him what to blog and he just says "why don't you write about how much you are annoying me right now." So sweet.

Update on my life: SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! I have been kiddo-free (Graham hates the word kiddo, therefore I will be using it as much as possible) for one week, but I have still had to go to school and have tons of meetings. I would much rather be hanging out with my kiddos than talk logistics with adults.... Graham is working extremely hard on the farm and I will be shopping and cooking for the packing house in a week or so! Riggs is currently LOVING his new XL bed from Orvis that came in today, but still hangs half of his body off of it when he sleeps using only a fourth of the pillow...figures.

As for my readers...I think my little brother is the only one. Enjoy Davis!


Davis Collins said...

I don't think I'm the only one, I just think I'm the only regular reader! And you're pretty much right about the importing thing, that is the kind of blog that I have. Its called 'micro-blogging'. So basically I post cool things that I find online, and sometimes I'll post some regular entries like you do. I'll try to post some more like that if it'll make you happy!

You need to come to Florence and eat at Groucho's so I can make you some food!

MatersandMelons said...

I read, too!!!

Maggie said...

Hey Elizabeth! It is has been awhile since I have talked with you. I am so in love with your blog page, and davis isn't the only one reading them. Your mom got me hooked on yours, and I love to read all your new stuff!

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