Monday, February 15, 2010

Smiley Girl

Collins is growing like a weed and I am loving how alert she is and how she is showing her sweet personality more and more.

It has been an amazing 8 weeks since I last posted and super busy (can't seem to find the time to blog)! Collins is smiling, laughing, kicking, screaming, cooing, pushing up on her arms, moving her head around, holding her head up, and being and absolute angel!

I love being at home with her, but I have to go back to work on March 15 : ( My wonderful mother-in-law is going to keep her until we get out for the summer, but I still get upset just thinking about being away from her all day.

I have TONS of pictures to post but for now I am just going to post this video of her smiling....what a ham!


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

She's just precious...How lucky you are to have your mother-in-law available to babysit once you go back to school. We were so lucky that our parents were nearby and always willing (sometimes begging) to keep our children. I always felt so sorry for friends who didn't have any family around to help.

by Caroline Utsey Shook said...

sooo glad to see another post! she is presh, as always!

Leslie said...

oh my gosh, she is beautiful! what a pretty smile!

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