Sunday, August 30, 2009

St. Simons Wedding

Me and my Graham
It was so good to see you Steph!
This is for you Utsey!
We just got back from a wedding for Graham's high school buddy- Billard. We roomed with Graham's cousin Edward and his g/f Britney and had so much fun! It was the start of our fall full of traveling with Clemson football coming up this weekend! Can't wait!

Just added new pictures of Collins below...she is growing so fast!

Growing Like a Weed- 22 weeks and 2 days

Guess she got my long legs!
Isn't she darling?
Cute piggies
"I'm doing A-OK in here everybody!"
We stopped through Savannah to get another ultrasound on the way to a wedding in St. Simons (are we spoiled or what!?) She is looking great! Her legs are measuring a week ahead and she is in the 77th percentile overall...I guess that's why I was asked if I was carrying twins this weekend!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Half Way There!

I can't beleive that I am 20 weeks today and will get to see my little girl in (greater than or less than) 20 more weeks!

I have been feeling great and very busy getting ready to open up a new school this Monday...I have 22 little darlings and if you've been keeping up, that is is double the amount I had last year! AHHHHH! Oh well, maybe they will cut big ol' fat
Mrs. Sanders a break! More to come about the very exciting Riverview Charter School!

Here is Collins (not sure if I've posted her name's my maiden name) at 19 weeks. She is still measuring a week ahead in all areas so I guess that explains my belly growing big
ger and bigger by the second!