Saturday, April 26, 2008

Clemson "Riggs"field Sanders

I figured for my second post (of the day) that it was only appropriate to dedicate it to my special buddy.

Our puppy, Riggs, is perfect. He was born in October of 2007 and we got him shortly there after (actually it was the day before we beat Carolina last year....just a side note). He is named after Riggs Field in Clemson (which seems to be the common thread here..big surprise!). He is extremely smart, very well behaved and happens to be very spoiled rotten as he trots off to work with Graham every morning.

Never say never...

Well, I always said that I would never have a blog I am! I am sick in bed with strep throat (most likely given to me by one of my darling students) bored out of my mind, and decided to give it a shot.

I am not sure what I will be posting about seeing that my life mostly consists of my amazing husband, my new house, crazy first graders, my adorable puppy, and trying to keep up with my friends and family that are dispersed all over the place.

I am hoping that after the initial laughing and making fun of me is over, my friends will join me in experimenting this blog stuff and lay off of Facebook for awhile. I miss them terribly and I think that this could be a fun way to keep eachother updated on our busy lives (with that can continue making fun of me!)